Christmas Countdown: Cool ways to Decorate your home this Christmas


Christmas Countdown

Christmas is here, Keep your loved ones near.

Make sure the crystal is shining and clear for lots of good cheer.

It’s time to light up our homes and our hearts with the warmest festival in the coldest time of the year.

Here are some tips to decorate this year:

The Must Have Christmas Tree

A shiny tree in the drawing room decorated with some light and shining balls, stars and bells and angels too. Surrounded by gifts meant for your loved ones is the perfect way to say Hello.

The Christmas Star


The shiny or Misty yellow star shaped light symbolising the birth of Jesus and the advent of Christmas.

Place it on the top of your Christmas tree or on your balcony.

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The Christmas Stocking


Make sure to hang bright red stockings near the tree in the drawing room. The Christmas stocking is where Santa puts his gifts. So do put this in the kids room too. This will give them a sense of excitement for what might be in store for them.

A Shiny Staircase


When the whole place is decorated, why not add some glitter to the staircase too. Roll some fairy lights around it. Plus add some small wreaths and stars to give the whole house a celebration rich feel.


Lighting up candles of different sizes all around the house will surely bring joy to your world. Keep an assortment of Christmas colours for the candles like Red, Green and White candles placed around the house as well as the dining table.

Upholstery and Linen Ware

It’s a good time to refurbish and redecorate the house. You may want to change the upholstery and also change the linen with Christmas friendly colours of Red, Green and White. Choose a colour you can use with your home decor even later. Throw in a few cushions and bolsters with the theme colours and your house will go Ho Ho Ho in the spirit of Christmas.

Painting the House

You might want to consider painting the house during X-Mas. It’s a great way of getting rid of the old energy and bringing in new positivity and elements.

Most importantly decorate your soul with positivity and your face with a smile.

Have a very merry Christmas!