Zero Shadow Day In Bengaluru On April 25

For people living between +23.5 and -23.5 degrees latitude, the Sun’s declination will be equal to their latitude twice – once during Uttarayan and once during Dakshinayan

Zero Shadow day


Tomorrow, April 25, 2023, Bengaluru will witness a rare celestial phenomenon when there will be no shadow cast by sunlight at a particular time of the day.

At 12:17 pm, a rare phenomenon called Zero Shadow Day will occur.

The Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) in Koramangala, Bengaluru will also host events to commemorate the occasion. Meanwhile, social media users are preparing to witness the exciting unusual event.

Zero Shadow Day is a phenomenon in which the Sun’s position is directly overhead, casting no shadows on the Earth’s surface. It occurs twice a year. As a result, at 12:17 pm, any vertical object will cast no shadow in Bengaluru.

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The sun reaches its highest point in the sky on Zero Shadow Day reducing the length of Shadow, our own shadow becomes invisible, hence the term ‘Zero Shadow’.

Explaining the phenomenon, the Astronomical Society of India said, “For people living between +23.5 and -23.5 degrees latitude, the Sun’s declination will be equal to their latitude twice – once during Uttarayan and once during Dakshinayan. On these two days, the Sun will be exactly overhead at noon and will not cast a shadow of an object on the ground”.

Astrophysicist Debiprosad Duari said, “People and any object, all around the world, staying between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn lose their shadows, though momentarily, twice a year. These two moments are called zero shadow moments”.

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