Study Finds Dogs Brain Unexpectedly Grown Larger

 Modern dog breeds that are genetically more distant from wolves have a relatively larger brain size compared to ancient breeds that are thousands of years old


Dog brain

The different theories regarding human-dog interaction that are widely recognized in culture and research demonstrate that dogs have a good sense of human expressions and that their minds work in accordance with their surroundings.

The ELTE Faculty of Science of Hungary recently published a new study that showed how canines’ minds have evolved and grown bigger through time.

Modern dog breeds that are genetically more distant from wolves have a relatively larger brain size compared to ancient breeds that are thousands of years old, according to the findings of Hungarian and Swedish researchers.

The rise in brain size cannot be linked to the breeds’ duties or life histories, implying that it is most likely affected by urbanization and a more sophisticated social context.

Even today, the documented four hundred dog breeds have evolved quite quickly and exhibit a high degree of variation, making them a goldmine for researchers interested in rapid changes within a species. Because the human brain is extremely large in contrast to body size, Scientists have long been interested in the factors that influence brain size. Some questions can be answered by comparing the different dog breeds.

A Stockholm University researcher, Niclas Kolm, who studies brain evolution and the relationship between brain morphology and behavior, said, “Different dog breeds live in varying levels of social complexity and perform complex tasks, which likely require a larger brain capacity. We hypothesize that the selective pressures on the brain can vary within the dogs’ species, and we may find differences in brain size among breeds based on the tasks they perform or their genetic distance from wolves”.

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