Earthquake In India’s Himalayas To Be Felt In Sri Lanka

Professor was referring to a warning issued by the Hyderabad-based National Geophysical Institute



A geologist said Saturday that Sri Lanka’s capital Colombo and the northern capital of Jaffna are likely to feel the effect of any powerful earthquake happening in the Himalayan range as predicted by Indian geologists.

A local university professor, Athula Senaratne told the media, “If India experiences a quake of magnitude 8, it would be felt in Colombo and Jaffna”.

Athula Senaratne said, “Two years ago a quake that happened in the Himalayan range of magnitude 5 was severely felt in Colombo, people even came out of buildings”.

“The area concerned was where the Eurasian and the Indo-Australian plates could come into conflict”, he added.

Professor was referring to a warning issued by the Hyderabad-based National Geophysical Institute about the potential high-magnitude earthquake in India’s Uttarakhand region.

With input from PTI