Firing justified? : Eleven thousand Meta-men on streets explained

Mark Zuckerberg comes up with a full statement on firing of his eleven thousand Meta Employees.

The first major round of layoffs with over eleven thousand Meta employees is an unexpected shock in the global arena of the social media. The social media giant’s history so far has never witnessed any such untoward development.

Mark Zuckerberg has come up with a full statement over the grand lay off. Meta being the Facebook’s parent company, has announced massive layoffs in a blog post today. The CEO of the global company, Mark Zuckerberg opted for apologizing for the same taking “accountability for these grave decisions and for how we got here.”

This was the first major round of layoffs in the entire history of Meta so far. But taking the accountability of what happened Mark Zuckerberg has released a statement over the compulsion.

Opting for the most difficult changes, Zukerberg says in his statement, he has decided to reduce the size of the Meta team by about 13 per cent and thus we had to let go of our eleven talented employees. Now there are more numbers of additional steps to to become a leaner of a mature and successful company on the global level to be more efficient by cutting discretionary expenses extending the company’s hiring freeze through Q1.

