Twitter Tremor: The grand lay off may bring down the graph

He came, he saw and he laid off

There were above seven thousand workers in Twitter earlier, then suddenly Elon Musk arrived. He came, he saw and he laid off.

Lately Musk asked workers to opt for his more “hardcore” version of the company or get ready to leave. The behave is strange and seen for the first time on such a global level.

Significantly, the employees who were cut received notice through emails entitled: “Your Twitter Role.”

Elon Musk laid off more Twitter workers from the sales side who belonged to the social network’s business a couple of days ago. And then began another round of firing, further trimming the staff who already was facing decimation by cuts as well as resignations.

The demand of Elon Musk last week, has also gone viral when he asked workers to commit to his more “hardcore” Twitter version and if some one is not prepared, he can leave. In comparison with the technical side, the sales employees signed on to his vision in greater numbers.  The workers on the technical side saw mass resignations, as per the people close to the matter.

Cuts are being used by Musk in order to balance out the remaining staff, as said by the people, who wish to be unidentified while discussing internal decisions.

There were a meeting called by Twitter’s sales organization which was an all-hands meeting on Sunday. It was jointly joined by Musk and the new head of sales, Chris Riedy, as per the inner sources. Expecting some announcement about cuts, many employees showed up, that showed the pressure on the employees.

Musk is now only talks about ongoing updates, which includes his decision to reinstate the account of Ex-American President Donald Trump, as told by the staff. There were also rumors taking round, revealing that, company needs to make ads more targeted towards chosen users.