Christmas Countdown: Cool Ways for a Fun Office Festive Party

Christmas Office Party

Christmas Office Party

Christmas 2022: So everyone’s already counting the days to the end of the year. There’s fun and also a lot of deadlines to be met. When you hear that sentence, you know you are in office.

But the office is also what makes you who you are. You spend more of your day at the office than anywhere else. So when Santa time comes it’s time to put on the Santa caps and groove with everyone else at your workplace.

HR is generally given this task and if you are in that department then help is at hand. If HR is making your parties a not-so-exciting affair then maybe it’s time to help them with some cool recommendations:

I start with the showstopper right at the top. So let the fun times begin!

Christmas Winter Fashion Parade

Who doesn’t like to dress up? It’s the one day you can dress Uber cool like a Fashionista without having to think what people will say and if it’s too much for the office. Bring out the red scarves, those green pocket scarfs, brown leather jackets and white fur jackets and flaunt it at the fashion parade. Make a makeshift runway by creating a space in the cafeteria or any open area and put velvet rope dividers and put on some nice music. Make sure there are prizes for the best dressed people and yes keep a professional photographer and a separate photo area to give the employees a feeling that they are celebrities. Why not? Hello Christmas

Secret Santa under the Christmas Tree

This is a good-old-one and you can add your own spin to it. Everyone must be told to get a gift that will be given to another employee. There will be no names on the gifts. All the employees must put their gifts under the office Christmas tree ( that’s a given). One person from HR will come by and put random labels of all employees’ names. Then everyone gets the gift with their name on it. Capture some nice photo moments when you find some people opening their gifts. Some people can get quite generous while playing secret Santa.

Also Read: Christmas Countdown : Spending the day by yourself? Make it a Very Merry Christmas!

Office Decorations and Dancing

Christmas Office Party

Why should HR do the hard work when employees can have so much fun. So put on some music, bring out the decorations, pass on the coffee and get the employees to decorate the entire space while dancing and sipping on some hot coffee and do keep some finger food. Lots of dancing can get people in a munchy mood.

Food Wars


Divide everyone into teams and bring on some food games. You can play ‘taste the food and name its ingredients’ blindfolded. The team that gets the most ingredients wins. The other can be a chef guided cook off with everyone putting in some effort to make the best Christmas cake or cookies. You may want to put some food counters for this one. Everyone, even those who can’t cook, can do some task to be part of the team. It will be like Mini Office MasterChef teams competing to eat the better food. Haha!

Virtually Fun

Christmas Office Party

You can put up big screens in the office and get people to play video games in teams or for that matter just enjoy a favourite match or watch a Christmas special Short motivational film.

That’s our list. Let us know in the comments section which ideas you liked or tried. Do let us know of any recommendations from your end too.

Have a very Merry Christmas!