Again! Racism sets foot in US, Black man screams for mother as cops beat him to death

Family members claim the cops were responsible for Nichols’ heart attack and kidney failure. The only thing the authorities have mentioned is that Nichol had a medical emergency.

Tyre Nichols

Justice For Tyre

Tyre Nichols was brutally beaten by officers while being held down and struck repeatedly as he pleaded for his mother in more than an hour of the video released by Memphis officials on Friday.

The footage emerged one day after the policemen, who are all black, were charged with murder in Nichols’ death.

The video shows officers brutally hitting the 29-year-old FedEx employee for three minutes while screaming abuse at him. The legal team for the Nichol’ family has compared the assault to the notorious police beating of Los Angeles driver Rodney King in 1991.

One of the officers can be heard stating, “I’m going to baton the (expletive) out of you.” He can be seen raising his baton on his body camera as at least one other officer is holding Nichols.

Nichols can be heard saying, “I didn’t do anything,” as a bunch of officers starts to drag him to the ground after the first officer roughhouses him out of his car.

One officer shouts, “Get on the ground!,” while another is heard, “Tase him! Tap him!

Soon after being forced to the ground by force, Nichols responded, “OK, I’m on the ground.” Later, as the police officers are still shouting, Nichols replies, “Man, I’m on the ground.”

Put your hands behind your back before I break your (expletive), the officer shouts.

Nichols yells angrily at the officers, “You guys are really doing a lot right now.” “I just want to get home,”

A short while later, he cries, “Stop! I’m not doing anything!”

After a brief moment when the camera is hidden, Nichols is visible escaping as an officer uses a Taser on him. The police then begin to seek Nichols.

After the beating, the police officers stood around talking for a time as Nichols leaned against the car before collapsing to the ground.


The nation’s cities prepared for sizable protests. Family members of Nichols urged supporters to demonstrate peacefully.

“This young man was terrorized, according to the state’s legal definition. Not by one, not by two, but by five officers who, as we now know, cooperated with one another, according to lawyer Antonio Romanucci, who is defending the family of Nichols.

According to Romanucci, the cops “acted jointly to inflict injury, terrorism, oppression of liberty, and oppression of constitutional rights, which resulted in murder.”

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Davis pledged the police department’s “full and total cooperation” throughout the ongoing state and federal investigations.

When Nichols was pulled over close to his home, Crump claimed that the footage proved that he was stunned, pepper-sprayed, and restrained. After photographing the sunset in a suburban park, he was on his way home.

Family members claim the cops were responsible for Nichols’ heart attack and kidney failure. The only thing the authorities have mentioned is that Nichol had a medical emergency.