“Just Water At Our Wedding,” Says A Bride, Social Media Calls Her Cheap!

The bride wrote, “We don’t want to pay for alcohol because it is just a large additional expense when we can just do filtered water for a much cheaper cost.”


Bride decides to only serve water at her wedding. NO coffee, No soda, No beverages

Weddings are unquestionably expensive, but there are numerous ways to cut costs. A wedding is an entire process in which you enjoy, have fun, and eat what is served. But will you save money by serving food to your guests? No, right? But will you believe us when we say that one bride decided to cut costs by only providing guests with water for their wedding. Yes, it’s true.

Bride says “No drink’s in the wedding”

A lady and her husband, who are paying for their wedding all alone, chose to cut liquor and different beverages from their menu. She expressed, “My better half and I are paying for this all ourselves, as well as my grandmother, who said she doesn’t mind without a doubt on this issue. She simply enjoys weddings. This couple gave a new name to their wedding, “The Dry Wedding.”

The bride said:

“We decided not to make it child-free because we have a lot of kids, but we did decide to make it dry.” Therefore, there will be no alcohol at our wedding. The bride wrote, “Frankly, this has nothing to do with there being children there but is due to the fact that my fiance and I do not drink.”

She also wrote that they are having their wedding catered so that they can provide a wide range of food for guests, but that they will only be providing water for drinks.

She went on to say, “We don’t want to have to pay for alcohol or soda; it is just a large additional expense when we can just do filtered water for a much cheaper cost.” Additionally, the woman stated that her decision has enraged her family and friends.

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What people think about such a decision

After this, many people shared their thoughts regarding such ideas, the majority of which supported the guests. One user wrote, “The wedding is for everyone you’ve invited; it’s an event you’re hosting, and you’re a bad host or hostess if you don’t provide any drinks other than water.”

Another person commented, “It’s cheap and tacky to serve only water.” If I found out I couldn’t even get soda or iced tea, I would absolutely pregame in the parking lot. A third comment read, “I wouldn’t necessarily say YTA, but your wedding sounds boring, and I wouldn’t want to go.”