“This is RIDICULOUS,” Anger Outbursts On Alterations In NCERT Syllabus

Some people support the decision regarding alterations made in NCERT syllabus and some oppose the same in a very strong manner so the reactions are coming from different parts of the society


Class 12 NCERT History Books

The alterations made in the syllabus of class 12 have attracted a lot of comments and reactions. Many people have taken a stance on the situation. Some people support the decision and some oppose the same in a very strong manner.

An opposing comment has come from Katherine Schofield, who is a historian of music and listening in Mughal India. She tweeted, “This RIDICULOUS. The Mughals ruled over much of India for over 200 years (technically over 300) and left behind an enduring legacy.

“Love them, loathe them, or really not care — leaving the Mughals out of school history textbooks won’t magic them away,” she added

Scholars express their resentment on changes in NCERT

A number of scholars on the Mughal Empire have reacted strongly to the move. Simon Schama, a British historian, tweeted, “This is another preposterous war on history – the Mughals were a magnificent civilization producing transcendent art, music, architecture”.

Author and historian Audrey Truschke said that the move marks another “chapter in the embrace of ignorance over the knowledge that is increasingly common in Indian society under Hindu nationalist rule”.

She tweeted, “Indian history remains untouched by such censorship. Modern ignorance thereof is another matter.”

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“Modern Indian history should start from 2014,” remarks Kapil Sibal

While all such things are going on, how could politicians stay back and not comment. On the same page, a tweet was posted by Rajya Sabha MP, Kapil Sibal. The tweet said, “NCERT textbooks: Effaced: 1) Gandhi’s pursuit of Hindu Muslim unity 2) Banning of RSS 3) All references to Gujarat riots 4) Protests that turned into social movements in contemporary India.” “Consistent with Modi ji’s Bharat modern Indian history should start from 2014…” It is to be noted that the BJP regime started in the year 2014, after PM Modi was elected to power.