Home-Brewed Liquor By Sohiong Women Will Be Tested By All-Female Flying Squads

Kharkongor expressed as there is just single supporters, counting of votes will be held at the state focal premises rather than Polo Ground.

In Sohiong, the election department has set up all-female flying squads to check women’s home-brewed liquor.

On May 10, the election for Sohiong that was postponed will take place.

According to Chief Electoral Officer Frederick Kharkongor, the election department wants to make sure that Sohiong’s home-brewed liquor, particularly that made by women, is not used to entice voters.

“No spirituous, fermented, intoxicating liquor or other substances of a like nature shall be sold, given or distributed at a hotel, eating house, tavern, shop or any other place, public or private and within a polling area,” the East Khasi Hills Election Officer, who is also the Deputy Commissioner, declared May 8, 9, and 10 as “Dry Days.”

The request is relevant in the whole East Khasi Slopes region however the political race is just in Sohiong.

Additionally, the election official designated May 13, the day of the vote count, as “Dry Day.”

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Including in state library premises

Kharkongor expressed as there is just single supporters, counting of votes will be held at the state focal premises rather than Polo Ground.