Nagaland: Khonoma celebrates ‘Thekranyi’, a youth festival

Metha observed that Khonoma village has given its best sons and daughters to the Naga people in all walks of life. This includes their contribution towards aspiration of Nagas to achieve permanent and lasting peace in an honorable manner.

Residents of Nagaland’s famed green village- Khonoma village, on Saturday celebrated ‘Thekranyi Festival’, a festival for the youth. With the theme ‘Excelling in the 21st century’, the festival was held at the Community Hall, Terhotsiese Khonoma, about 20 KM from Kohima town.

Kruse, who holds the portfolio for Horticulture & Women Resources informed that the festival is a get-together for the youths to feast and celebrate on the occasion. Forming themselves into peer groups, the youth make earnings through agricultural labor from the previous year to celebrate the festival. As part of the festival, the youth then go to the homes of their foster parents to feast.

She informed that the festival also marks the beginning for farmers to begin paddy plantation.

Special guest of the occasion, Abu Metha, assured the locals that ‘Thekranyi’ festival would become an official part of the state calendar. Nagaland, he said, is known as the land of festivals because it promotes culture and heritage of Nagas. He observed that this further contributes to preserving the culture and traditions for generations to come.

Metha observed that Khonoma village has given its best sons and daughters to the Naga people in all walks of life. This includes their contribution towards aspiration of Nagas to achieve permanent and lasting peace in an honorable manner.

He paid his tribute to legendary personalities and leaders from the village who have made sacrifices for the sake of the Nagas.

Metha said that the aim of the government is development and progress in an inclusive manner. He urged all residents to cooperate and work for the progress of the state as members of team Nagaland.