For The First Time, Kashmir To Get Its 1st Women Hostel In Srinagar

According to the officials, the construction work of the building is going on at a good pace

Women hostel

First Women hostel in Srinagar

In a first, the Social Welfare Department in Kashmir is going to open a working women’s hostel at Eidgah area of Srinagar.

Like in other states across the country, the initiative is aimed at ensuring protective and comfortable stay for the working women in the valley too. According to the officials, the construction work of the building is going on at a good pace.

Deputy Director, Social Welfare Department, Mohammad Ashraf Akhoon told Greater Kashmir that construction of the first ever working women’s hostel at Eidgah is going on. He said that this will be the first multi-storey building which will house working women, besides old age people.

“This is a good concept; we may construct more hostels for working women in future. We have not decided the capacity of the building yet. We are planning that this building should be for working women and old age persons. Once the construction will be completed then only, we can decide the capacity,” he said. Akhoon said that the hostel would ensure a quality living atmosphere for women who were working in the city.

“There are seven Naari Niketan homes for women in different parts of Kashmir. We have registered girl children in these homes. But we get requests from women. We provide them shelter,” he said. In Kashmir, women are leaving their homes in search of employment in cities. One of the main difficulties faced by such women is lack of safe and conveniently located accommodation.

Aliya Gulzar, a working woman told Greater Kashmir that it is difficult to find a safe accommodation to continue my job in the city. ” Some rented places are not comfortable. Hostels for women in Kashmir is really a good step. It is good news for women folk. Like me, I know other women who do not find comfort and safety,” she said.

Another working woman said that this hostel will solve many problems for women. “The government should also construct shelter homes for women, ” she added.

(With Input Feeds)
