In Just Less Than 24 Hours, Kashmir Crowdfunds Over Rs 80 Lakh For Cancer Patient

A family from the Lassipora area of Pulwama in south Kashmir appealed for help on social media on Thursday for the treatment of their daughter

crowdfunded online

Kashmir crowdfunded online helped to get over Rs 80 lc

In less than 24 hours, a whopping amount of more than 80 lakh rupees was crowdfunded online for a 24-year-old patient suffering from Leukemia, cancer of the blood.

A family from the Lassipora area of Pulwama in south Kashmir appealed for help on social media on Thursday for the treatment of their daughter. Soon the post went viral and a crowdfunding campaign was started online.

Uzair Ahmad, the brother of a Leukemia patient said that his sister was diagnosed with Leukemia in January 2022 following which she was shifted outside the Valley for advanced treatment.

“Her nine-month treatment incurred about one crore. Our family along with relatives, neighbors and friends managed it. As advised by doctors, she was taken for a follow-up check-up again where she underwent a few tests and doctors said that she needs treatment for another six months. Her treatment will cost around 80 lakhs,” he said.

He added the family has already spent their entire savings on her treatment and is not in a position to continue her treatment so crowdfunding was the only option available to them.

“On Thursday we contacted some media persons to share our account details on social media so that we can continue her treatment. Today we got over 80 lakhs,” Uzair added.

While thanking the general public for their support Uzair said that they have already received the required amount and further donations are not required.

(With Input Feeds)
