Hidayatul Mukhliseen – Mir Baba Hyder Tulmuli (RA)

There is a great deal of love, respect, and emotion entwined in this holy tie. In Sufi traditions, there are many instances where a student demonstrates his intense love for his Murshid by writing poetry or prose in his Murshid’s defence.

Mir Baba Hyder

Hidayatul Mukhliseen – Mir Baba Hyder Tulmuli

Only a select few people have the capacity to fully comprehend the subtlety and delicate nature of the relationship that exists between the Murshid (spiritual mentor) and the Mureed (disciple). There is a great deal of love, respect, and emotion entwined in this holy tie. In Sufi traditions, there are many instances where a student demonstrates his intense love for his Murshid by writing poetry or prose in his Murshid’s defence. In this regard, it was revealed in the biography of Hazrat Sultan-Ul- Arifeen Sheikh Hamza Makhdoom (RA) that two of his well-known pupils, Baba Dawood Kakhi RA and Mir Baba Hyder Tulmili RA, upheld this legacy and created two priceless works, Wird-Ul-Murideen and Hidayatul- Mukhliseen, in which they referred to their mentor’s high spiritual stature. It is commonly acknowledged that the former one (Wird-Ul-Murideen), which gained popularity, has been widely published, translated, studied, and argued. Even researchers with backgrounds in unrelated fields have used it as a reference for their work. Hidayatul Mukhliseen by Mir Baba Hyder Tulmali, on the other hand, has so far escaped attention.

Though many renowned historians like Mohammad Azam Dedmari, and Peer Hasan Shah Khoihami did mention its name with a brief introduction in their respective historical accounts- Waqati Kashmir and Tawareek- Hasan. Mir Baba Hyder wrote this book in the year 993 Hijri. ( 1585)..Markaz-i-Noor, Centre for Sheikh-ul-Alam Studies; the University of Kashmir organized a two-day seminar titled “Sheikh Hamza Makhdoom and his Contribution towards Kashmiri Society” on May 19 and 20- 2015. The seminar aimed at highlighting the life and contribution of Sheikh Hamza Makhdoom in the medieval era of Kashmir and its relevance in contemporary times. On that very occasion, the research paper titled, “Critical Analysis of Hidayatul Mukhliseen by Mir
Syed Hyder Tulmuli RA ,” was authored by Dr. Rukaya Syeda and presented by Dr. Mohammad Yusuf. The research paper critically analyzed the various dimensions of Hidayatul Mukhliseen and positively brought to the front Mir Syed Hyder Tulmuli’s style and statements regarding the spiritual excellence of Makhdoom Sahab.

This particular manuscript authored by Mir Sahab is unpublished. Its limited original manuscript is available in Persian. One of the admirers of Sufism namely Moulana Ghulam Rasool Farooqi popularly known by his pen name “Hilal Kashmiri” from Batwin Ganderbal translated this piece of work into Urdu. Fortunately, a few months back one of my comrades namely Nisar Ahamad Bhat from Tulmula made this piece available to me. I read it from the first page to the last and found it very informative, interesting, and deeply interwoven with spiritual thoughts and experiences. Baba Hyder Tulmuli has decorated the content into five chapters. The first chapter deliberated upon the qualities that the Murshid should have. The second chapter deals with the relevance of actions (Ebada) with a particular timing. The third one is emphasizing the importance of Zikir-Azkar (The repetition of the holy word or verse). The fourth is illuminating the Sufi Traditions (Tasawuf). The fifth one is fully dedicated to Mehboob-Ul-Alam RA. In this particular chapter, he described the spiritual highness of his Murshid and his relation with his disciples. He also shared the spiritual experiences that he had acquired while meeting, interacting discussing, and debating with the other colleagues, and mentioned various episodes that are possessed with Miracles. He also attributed numerous titles to his Murshid. Each one is highlighting both manifested and concealed qualities of Sheikh Hamza Mukdoom (RA). It shows his intimacy and affection for his Murshid. At the outset of the manuscript, there is a brief description of his life. According to Mir, Baba Hyder (RA) was a Najeeb-u- Tarafaen Syed i.e. The decedent of Prophet SAW from both his parents. There is also the mention of the episode that motivated and attracted Mir Sahib toward his Murshid Kamil.

He said, “I was fifteen years old when I saw a dream in which I was the beautiful appearance of the beloved prophet Mohammad SAW accompanied by the four Khalifas in a Mosque. One of the personalities sitting there called me for Wuzu (Ablution). I did Wuzu properly. Beloved Prophet SAW presented him with a cloak and directed him to present the same to me. While doing so, the beloved prophet SAW was repeatedly addressing those lines to him. “He is my son, enlighten him with the knowledge of Alim Zahir and Alim Batin (manifested and hidden Knowledge)” The personality who was unknown to me till that time covered my body with that robe, and kissed my hand. Later, he introduced himself and addressed me “O! My son, “I am from Kashmir and my name is Sheikh Hamza Mukdoom” In the meantime, I awoke and narrated the whole dream to my Uncle who was my guide and caretaker as I was the parentless child at that time.

As my uncle had a deep emotional attachment to me, he did not allow me to carry on that journey to Kashmir. But my anxiety grew with each passing day to give practical shape to my dream. It was Friday, I attended the Congregational Prayer and then moved towards the nearby Jungle, weeping and crying. Surprisingly, my eyes glimpsed the good-looking person, sitting on the horse along with a huge army behind him marching towards me. In the first instance, I thought it may be the king of Jinns who came there for hunting. But When I enquired about that strange scene, one of the persons informed me that he was Sultan Sheikh Hamza Kashmiri. After a brief interval, he called me and said, “O! My son, I am the same person whom you viewed in the dream. If you wish you can come along with me just now without any exertion but it would favor your best spiritual interests subject to the condition that you cover this distance from Gujrat to Kashmir physically. Acted upon the advice of my beloved Murshid, I once again requested my uncle, motivated him and finally, he permitted me. And without wasting any time, I started my journey towards my destination i.e Kashmir”. The steep landscapes of Kashmir or the harsh weather conditions or any other worldly barriers never became a hurdle for his arrival to Kashmir. It reflects his keenness, commitment, and determination for the divine world.

After receiving his initial spiritual training from Sheikh Hamza Mukdoom RA, he was given the responsibility of Praghana Lar. He used to give the residents of the territory under his charge religious and spiritual direction there. In addition to carrying out his responsibilities with the utmost care and devotion, Mir Sahab earned a living by farming the plot of land at Tulmula Ganderbal that is still referred to as “Mir Subun Zameen” He remained there till the day he passed away. Tulmula became the centre of attention for spiritual seekers during that time. Many of Mukdoom Sahab RA’s pupils were sent to Tulmula to take advantage of Mir Sahab’s spiritual offerings. Her name is known by a number of nicknames, including Mir Baba Hyder. Lari, Mir Sahab Tulmuli, Faqeer Mir Hyder Gujrati, etc. As usual, his annual day is celebrated on the seventh Muharamul-Haram at Tulmula Ganderbal. Special thanks to Nisar Ahmad Bhat from Tulmula for his support.

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