Sushant Singh Rajput Murdered? Shocking Claim Of Cooper Hospital’s Autopsy Staff- ‘Sushant Was Punched On The Eye’

Sushant Singh Rajput: Atopy staff Roopkumar Shah told that seeing Sushant’s body, he felt that it was not a suicide. He further said, we saw that there were many injury marks on Sushant’s body. Two-three injury marks were also visible on the neck.

Sushant Singh Rajput Case

Sushant Singh Rajput Case

Sushant Singh Rajput Case: The case of the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput is once again in the headlines. It has been almost two years since the death of Sushant Singh Rajput. Whether Sushant’s death was suicide or murder, the curtain has not yet been lifted from this mystery. Now in this case the autopsy staff of Cooper Hospital has made another shocking claim. His claim points towards the murder of Sushant Singh Rajput. In fact, the autopsy staff claimed that when Sushant’s body was brought for post-mortem, there were marks on his eye which made him feel that someone had punched him several times.

The autopsy staff also questioned the Maharashtra government in its claim. According to media reports, the staff said, “I was part of the team that did the postmortem of Sushant’s body and I saw that he had suffered a lot of injuries, many of his bones were also broken. Then I could not come in front of the media, because I did not trust the Uddhav government of that time. Now the government has changed, so I want to tell the truth. I don’t care about my life, Sushant should get justice”.

Sushant Singh Rajput Was Murdered – Staff Member

Atopy staff Roopkumar Shah came in front of the media for the first time. He told news agency ANI, “He felt after seeing Sushant’s body that it was not a suicide. He told that Sushant Singh Rajput did not commit suicide, but he was murdered. At the time of his death, we received five bodies for post-mortem at Cooper Hospital. We were told that one of these bodies belongs to a VIP. When we went to do the post-mortem, we came to know that this body belongs to Sushant Singh Rajput.

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I Told The Seniors That It Is Not Suicide – Roopkumar

He further said, “We saw that Sushant had a lot of injury marks on his body. Two-three injury marks were also visible on the neck. But he could not find any traces of the noose. The bones of Sushant’s arms and legs were broken. The recording of the postmortem should have been done, but the top officials were only allowed to take photos, so we also obeyed the order.”

He further told the agency that when I saw Sushant’s body for the first time, I immediately told the seniors that it was not suicide. I told them that we should follow the rules and walk, but my seniors told me that we will talk about it later.