Amid Western Disturbance, ‘Above-Normal’ Heat Waves Might Hit This Month, Rainfall Expected Today

 IMD forecast, central, and northwest India will experience a higher-than-usual number of heat wave days from April to June…

Heat waves

Heat waves

Delhi recorded a low of 14.9 degrees Celsius, four notches below the season’s average. Several parts of the national capital are likely to receive light-moderate rainfall and thundershowers on Monday, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said.

The weather conditions of  India is constantly changing since a month due to western disturbance and waves.

The city’s maximum temperature on Sunday settled at 30.3 degrees Celsius, which is three notches below the season’s average for this time of the year, the weather department said.

The relative humidity oscillated between 96 percent and 47 percent.

Heat wave in India 

 IMD forecast, central, and northwest India will experience a higher-than-usual number of heat wave days from April to June. 

According to the weather agency, “most parts of the country are expected to experience above-normal maximum temperatures during the 2023 hot weather season (April to June), except for south peninsular India and some parts of northwest India where normal to below-normal maximum temperatures.

When a station’s maximum temperature rises above 40 degrees Celsius in plains, 37 degrees Celsius along the coast, and 30 degrees Celsius in mountainous terrain, with a minimum difference of 4.5 degrees Celsius, a heat wave is deemed to occur.

IMD predicts, February this year had the warmest temperatures in India, records have been kept since 1901.

March’s temperatures were kept in check by above-average rainfall (37.6 mm compared to an average of 29.9 mm) brought on by seven western disturbances, including substantial areas of strength for five.

In 2022, March experienced its third-warmest and driest month in 121 years. 

The majority of the nation, with the exception of a few locations in northeastern and northwest India and a few minor areas of the peninsular, will likely have minimum temperatures that are normal to above normal, according to the weather agency.

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