World’s Lightest Bulletproof Jackets Developed By IIT-Delhi: A Game-Changer For Indian Soldiers

IIT-Delhi’s innovative bulletproof jackets promise enhanced protection and mobility for Indian soldiers, incorporating polymer and ceramic materials, validated through rigorous testing.

World's Lightest Bulletproof Jackets Developed By IIT-Delhi

World's Lightest Bulletproof Jackets Developed By IIT-Delhi

In a groundbreaking achievement, researchers at IIT-Delhi have unveiled a series of ultra-light bulletproof jackets, poised to redefine protection for Indian soldiers. Weighing a mere 8.2 kg, these cutting-edge jackets have the remarkable capacity to halt eight bullets fired from AK-series rifles, setting a new standard for defense gear.

This breakthrough innovation is over 2 kg lighter than the current Indian Army-issued jackets, promising enhanced mobility without compromising safety.

Indian soldiers have long carried the weight of traditional bulletproof jackets, often exceeding 10.5 kg. However, the new lightweight alternatives provide a tangible solution to this challenge.

A parallel version of the jacket, weighing 9.5 kg, can effectively neutralize up to six bullets from select sniper rifles.

These advancements stem from a dedicated collaboration between IIT-Delhi and the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

A Decade-Long Journey of Excellence

Professor Naresh Bhatnagar, a key figure at IIT-Delhi’s Centre of Excellence on Personal Body Armour, shed light on the journey behind these remarkable jackets.

“Our commitment dates back to 2008 when an Army Major implored us to pioneer lighter bulletproof jackets. The existing jackets relied on iron, tipping the scales at a burdensome 22-25 kg,” Professor Bhatnagar recounted.

The Major’s personal experience underscored the urgency of reducing the jackets’ weight to enable frontline soldiers to operate optimally.

Fusion of Science and Innovation

The heart of this innovation lies in the fusion of advanced materials. These jackets incorporate polymer and ceramic components, a departure from the iron-based predecessors.

The exhaustive research process involved 25 M.Tech and 12 Ph.D students, who delved into various facets of the project, amplifying its depth and ingenuity.

Rigorous Testing and Validation

The bulletproof jackets underwent a comprehensive internal testing process. Dr. Hemant Chauhan, a senior scientist at IIT Delhi, explained the meticulous procedure.

“Our tests involve firing ballistic bullets using gas guns,” he said. The jackets received the seal of approval from the Bureau of Indian Standards, affirming their efficacy and reliability.

A Global Stage for Breakthrough

The world will soon witness this groundbreaking innovation. The IIT researchers are slated to present these revolutionary jackets at an upcoming NATO conference in Germany, a testament to their international significance.

With an eye on the future, these jackets hold the promise of safeguarding the lives of Indian soldiers on the battlefield, ushering in a new era of lightweight, yet uncompromising protection.