Utilize These Strategies To Reduce Your Risk Of High Cholesterol Levels

Blood contains an excessive amount of LDL and HDL. Guidelines for Controlling High Cholesterol…

High Cholesterol Heart

High Cholesterol Heart

Cholesterol levels play a vital role in our lives. People’s eating habits have a significant role in how healthy their body is. Consuming meals that maintain appropriate cholesterol levels can help prevent health issues like a heart attack or stroke.

It is a waxy molecule that circulates with our blood circulation. It flows as a component of two lipoproteins: Low-density lipoprotein(LDL) and High-density lipoprotein(HDL).

LDL is referred to as ‘bad’ cholesterol because it contains fatty substances. These deposits can stop the blood flow, resulting in heart attacks or silent strokes.

On the contrary, HDL referred to as ‘good’ cholesterol, aids in the removal of bad cholesteric from the body via the liver. High HDL Cholesterol levels can lower the risk of heart disease.

What exactly High Cholesterol is?

When your blood contains an excessive amount of oily substances, you have high-density cholesteric. It’s mostly brought on by consuming fatty foods, not exercising enough, being overweight, smoking, and consuming alcohol. It’s also called hyperlipidemia or hypercholesterolemia. Just the right quantity of lipids is required for your body to function. Your body can’t use all the lipids it has in excess. Your arteries begin to congeal with the extra lipids. Plaque (fatty deposits) are created when they combine with other elements in your blood.

Best bedtime snacks

Whole- Wheat Crackers with Hummus
Low-Fat Yogurt with Granola and Berries
Oatmeal With Bananas
Whole -Wheat Toast
Dried Fruits and Nuts
Chia Pudding

Also Read: Shortage in Night Sleep Hours Increases Risk of Clogged Leg Arteries

Things to remember

Limit alcohol consumption: Heavy drinking can increase the levels of LDL or “bad” cholesterol. Restrict your consumption to no more than two drinks every day for both men and women.
Get in regular physical activity: Engage in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week. It can help in balancing the cholesterol levels
Take medication as recommended by your specialist: Your healthy habits may not always be sufficient to control your cholesterol levels. This might be brought on by a genetic propensity for having high cholesteric. Pay attention to your doctor’s advice.

Quit vaping or smoking: It has been evidenced that smoking and vaping lower HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol levels.