Amitabh Bachchan

Shruti Chaturvedi

Bharat Express News Network

Bachchan and Sulochana also starred in films such as "Reshma Aur Shera", "Roti Kapada Aur Makan", "Muqaddar Ka Sikandar", and "Dostana.

In the picture, the actor can be seen looking distressed and disappointed standing near a Mumbai Police jeep in a check

Taking to Twitter, a user tagged Mumbai Police and wrote, "Without helmet, law should be same for everyone"

Anushka Sharma and her bodyguard were riding a bike when the paparazzi caught sight of them.

The actor shared a picture of himself riding a pillion on a bike while wearing a jacket and black pants.

Bachchan thanked Elon Musk after receiving the green light, nearly two days after receiving the Twitter Blue subscription.

Mr Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, and a number of other Bollywood celebrities loose their blue tick on twitter.

The makers of Nag Ashwin's Project K have now shared a glimpse of the 'Raiders'.

Mr. Bachchan said the doctor at a Hyderabad-based hospital where he had a CT scan advised him to rest before flying back to Mumbai