Artemis 1

Spriha Rai

Bharat Express News Network

NASA’s spacecraft has successfully performed its first Moon flyby to pass within 130 kms of the lunar surface as part of the uncrewed Artemis 1 mission. Artemis I is the first integrated flight test of NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, an uncrewed Orion spacecraft. According to NASA, spacecraft successfully completed its fourth orbital trajectory …

The Dragon spacecraft carries scientific experiments and technology demonstrations that explore growing plants in space, creating nutrients on demand, in-space construction, and more. NASA Ames is working on nutrition research that aims to get humans closer to reaching Mars. A continuous source of nutritious food is essential for long duration exploration missions, and the typical …

The Artemis 1 program spacecraft has successfully completed Lunar Flyby, re-acquired Signal with Earth. With this, it has broken the record of Apollo era, the farthest distance traveled from Earth by any human rated spacecraft. The closest approach it made with Moon’s surface was around 128 km (80 miles). Artemis 1 is the first in …

Orion has entered into the lunar sphere of influence.

Japan launched country’s first and the world’s smallest moon lander, OMOTENASHI, which is made by Japan’s space agency, JAXA. Apart from the Orion spacecraft Artemis 1 carried some other probes and satellites developed by space agencies around the world. Artemis 1 marked the fifth attempt for the missions as four attempts were unsuccessful since August …