Gymkhana Club

Subodh Jain

Bharat Express News Network

Former bureaucrats and politicians who are managing the Gymkhana Club are misleading not only the Ministry of Corporate Affairs but even the NCLT.

The serious case of flying a drone with camera near the Prime Minister’s residence by the management of Gymkhana Club has become a bone of contention for Delhi Police. In this case, all the evidence and complaints were given to the police. But under the pressure of a retired officer from IB, the officials have …

It is surprising that the present government representatives of the club are writing letters to recover the full amount spent from the AITA, but they are keeping mum over the revenue share to the club out of the amount of about ten crores recovered in the name of sponsorship..

Government representatives of Delhi Gymkhana have themselves indulged in such activities, which actually were to be investigated by them. The NCLT had appointed them for that investigation only. The case pertains to Jatindra Pal Singh, accused of taking membership of Gymkhana with fake documents..

It is alleged that the club secretary had committed fraud in issuing AGM notice. Surprisingly, club chairman since April, Malay Sinha was absent in Annual general body meeting..

The allegations of financial irregularities and corruption in the Gymkhana club, have once again put the club management in the dock..

Under the pressure of the club members, a general body meeting is being called, but the meeting will be held in virtual manner only, and not face to face. Fierce protest is now being witnessed in the club against this action of government directors..

The club directors are accused of illegally appointing a secretary in the club on 26 August. According to the club constitution, any decision can be taken only after the mandatory presence of at least six directors in the meeting..

The recent breach in the security of the Prime Minister’s residence is a serious issue which is being ignored by the Delhi Police. The incident of breach in the security of the Prime Minister’s residence by the government managers of Gymkhana Club has put the New Delhi Police in the dock. It is alleged that …