

Bharat Express News Network

The commitment of India and Japan to a free and open Indo-Pacific, boosting economic cooperation, and encouraging people-to-people interactions is highlighted by their most recent strategic discussion.

The delegation also visited the latest indigenous destroyer INS Mormugao.

Bangladesh and realizing the potential of the landlocked Northeastern Region (NER) of India which is vital for expanding multimodal connectivity in the South and Southeast Asian region.

The Russian Foreign Ministry also tweeted about the meeting between Jaishankar and Lavrov on Thursday.

The Indo-Pacific is a biogeographic region, comprising the Indian Ocean and the western and central Pacific Ocean, including the South China Sea...

The panel upheld the Philippines' lawsuit against China and ruled that Beijing's reclamation efforts in Philippine waters and its nine-dash line, which asserts authority over 90% of SCS waters, are illegal.

Public opinion in India on China is the lowest it has been since the 1962 war, in which China invaded India. Delhi has banned TikTok, along with more than 100 Chinese apps. It has effectively barred Chinese telecom giants Huawei and ZTE from its 5G networks.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "We welcome the setting up of consulates in Ahmedabad and Bengaluru. Likewise, we will open a new mission in Seattle.

He said that PM Modi and US President Joe Biden will discuss ways to further enhance educational exchanges and people-to-people ties as well as work together to tackle common challenges.

The US began the initiative, known as IPEF, as a way to counter China’s growing influence and make up for lost ground after pulling out of previous efforts to set regional trade rules.