SCO Summit 2022


Bharat Express News Network

A sentence by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his conversation with Russian Presiden Vladimir Putin has now become talk of the media town. Modi told Russian President Vladimir Putin on the side-lines of the SCO summit 2022 that this is not the time for war in Ukraine. This does not appear to be any …

Pakistan Prime Minister has a clear refusal on action against dreaded terrorist Masood Azhar on the global platform and this is not shocking to them who are aware of the terror factory. The Financial Action Task Force has been keeping Pakistan in its Grey list for last four years. The sustained scrutiny by FATF monitors …

Finally met PM Modi with his Russian counterpart President Putin during the SCO Summit 2022. And this meeting is very significant from the perspective of India and Russia as well. All eyes were on the two global leaders’ meet in the SCO summit 2022. Though there was one more significant presence eco around which went …