Union Minister Nitin Gadkari

Alina Khan

Bharat Express News Network

This is the story of the popularly known, the “Helmet Man of India,” Raghvendra Kumar, who is from Bihar and took on a mission to distribute free helmets...

Nitin Gadkari also thanked Rahul Gandhi for allowing the BJP to make the country's youth aware of Savarkar's life and message through the yatra

Among the 31 projects, 21 pertain to state capital Ranchi, entailing an estimated investment of Rs 9,453 crore, and nine to Jamshedpur at a cost of Rs 3,378 crore...

The bamboo species used in the making of this barrier is Bambusa Balcoa, which has been treated with creosote oil and coated with recycled High-Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE)

India could become a scrapping hub for the entire South East Asia