Amazon Plans To Invest $12.7 Billion In Cloud Computing In India By 2030

Amazon said that since 2017, it had invested in six utility-scale renewable energy projects and trained more than 4 million individuals in India in cloud computing skills


Amazon Plans To Invest $12.7 Billion In Cloud Computing In India By 2030 Inc., like other global tech companies, is placing a bet on the expansion of the digital economy in the South Asian country by committing $12.7 billion to cloud infrastructure in India by 2030.

According to a statement released on Thursday, the US company’s cloud division, which operates data centres in the Mumbai and Hyderabad regions, has already committed $3.7 billion to India between 2016 and 2022. The new expenditure will cover costs for building, server computers, and telecommunications equipment.

While Wall Street banks and international insurers have long had tech centres in the nation, international tech businesses from Apple Inc. to Netflix Inc. are expanding there with services like video streaming and online retailing. These companies are helping the Indian cloud services market, which according to researcher IDC is expected to grow at an average annual pace of 23% and reach $13 billion in 2026.

Amazon said that since 2017, it had invested in six utility-scale renewable energy projects and trained more than 4 million individuals in India in cloud computing skills to support its web services business.