Coronavirus in China: More Than Half of Chinese Population feared To Be Infected In Next 3 Months

Coronavirus in China: These claims of Eric Figel Ding, an American public health scientist who currently serves as an epidemiologist and Chief of COVID Task Force, display a grave picture of the global Corona pandemic in the days to come..

Corona claims sound scary in China

Corona rise claims sound scary in China

Coronavirus in China: Latest reports from China appear to be a little scary for the world after already encountering two Corona waves. Coronavirus in China may prove fatal and more than half of China’s population is feared to be Corona positive in next 90 days.

The reports from experts, also fear lakhs of deaths in China which is alarming for the rest of the world too.

Coronavirus in China: These claims of Eric Figel Ding, an American public health scientist who currently serves as an epidemiologist and Chief of COVID Task Force, display a grave picture of the global Corona pandemic in the days to come. The significance of this prediction is based upon his claims in the year 2021 regarding the Corona explosion which were proved correct.

Coronavirus in China: Corona virus continues to wreak havoc in China. After creating a situation of rebellion by the people of China, the administration relaxed the rules but due to their lack luster attitude in tackling it, Corona now appears to be uncontrollable in the country.

There is a pile of dead bodies due to Corona in the morgues of Beijing, the capital of China. According to sources, work has suddenly increased at the cremation sites in Beijing. Meanwhile, an American research institute has also claimed that in the year 2023, there is going to be a big explosion of Corona infection in China.

Huge population of China and the world can be infected

Epidemiologist, Eric Feigl-Ding’s prediction about Corona in China and the world, is quite scary. Ding claims that China’s health system has completely collapsed after the restrictions imposed due to Corona wave, were lifted. According to the latest estimates of epidemiologists, in the next 90 days around 60 percent of Chinese population and 10 percent of the world’s population, may be infected with Corona virus. At the same time, the number of deaths due to this can rise up to lakhs.

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Earlier claims have also come true

These claims of Eric Figel Ding show that this time it will not take many days for the Corona cases to get double in China. Some experts of Corona pandemic in China say that in the coming times, the cases of Corona may double every hour.

This was also one of the bases of the claims

Eric Figel Ding explains his point by citing an example. He says that at this time there are continuous funerals seen in Beijing. Morgues are full of dead bodies. In the current situation, the aim of the Communist Party of China looks as if they are not worried about the increase of the infection. They probably are waiting for the peak to come, so that the production of the vaccine could start immediately.