India Deploys P-81 Aircraft To Ongoing Search And Rescue Operations Of Chinese Boat

India, on humanitarian ground extended help to the ongoing search and rescue operations of the Chinese ship capsized in the Indian ocean. The continuous efforts resulted in the recovery of two bodies so far.

India sent out long-range P-8I maritime patrol aircraft to aid in the search and rescue efforts for the 39 crew members of the Chinese fishing vessel which capsized in the southern Indian Ocean region. It acted quickly to provide aid despite the ongoing military conflict with China on the northern land borders.

Indian Navy hops into action

After receiving the distress call over the Chinese vessel, Indian Navy deployed its air investing capabilities in the form of P-81 planes stuffed with radars and electro-optic sensors. Around 1,667 kilometers (900 nautical miles) from India, the Lu Peng Yuan Yu 028 sank.

Reports confirm that the P-81 planes were carrying out several considerable searches despite unfavourable weather situations. They even manage to transport multiple objects related to the sunken vessel.

 PLAN warships headed incident site

The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) followed the site and was then requested by P-8I aircraft to drop “life rafts with equipment for survival at sea.” As a member of the 44th Chinese naval escort taskforce, the PLAN warships were en route to the Gulf of Aden, a hotbed of piracy, at the time of the event.

 Two dead bodies recovered

The continuous search operation found the remains of two bodies so far. Among the 39 survivors, people include 17 from China, 17 from Indonesia and five from the Philippines.

India ensures safety as a responsible and credible member by deploying Indian Navy units to harmonize SAR (search and rescue) efforts. They guided PLAN warships moving to the scene of the incident. The officer stated, ” The Indian Navy continues to remain deployed to provide all possible assistance to the ongoing SAR’s efforts”.

The aid provided by India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Australia, Maldives, Philippines regarding this was applauded and appreciated by China.

India sent four warships with vital supplies to support another humanitarian operation. It focused on providing essential items like food, medicines, tents, clothes, portable generators and hygiene stuff to Cyclone Mocha-hit Myanmar.

‘India as the first responder in the region’ – S Jaishankar

India continues to be the first responder in the region Under Operation Karuna. Three Indian Navy ships ( INS Shivalik, INS Kamorta, and INS Savitri) providing relief material reached Yangon today. A fourth ship is on the way to reach by tomorrow.