“Macron Is Over With China, Kissing Xi’s Ass” Donald Trump Furious Over Macron’s Visit To China

Donald Trump appeared in an interview after his conviction by the US court and in his interview, he stated, “World is blowing up and the US has absolutely no say.”

Donald trump

Donald trump Furious Over Macron's Visit To China

Emmanuel Macron, President of France visited China a few days back and gave a serious series of statements for Europe. It basically wanted to communicate that Europe should not work according to the agenda set by the United States’ foreign policy. Donald Trump, the former President of the United States appeared in an interview after his conviction by the US court. In his interview, he stated “World is blowing up and the US has absolutely no say.” He wanted to emphasize the fact that the US has lost its hold on the World since he lost power.

Donald Trump says, “Macron kissing Xi Jinping’s ass”

After Macron’s meeting with US representative, a lot of rages is found in US higher officials. Trump said in an interview, “You got this crazy world, it’s blowing up and the United States has absolutely no say.”

“And Macron, who’s a friend of mine, is over with China, kissing his ass. Okay, in China! I said, ‘France is now going to China,” he added.

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The rage sparked from here

Following a state visit to China last week, Macron stirred some controversy by warning Europeans to break ties with US foreign policy. In comments to journalists, Macron emphasized that European nations should avoid becoming embroiled in the ongoing standoff between Beijing and Washington over Taiwan.

While the US administration promises to aid Taiwan in defending itself, China has promised to retake control of Taiwan. After speaking with Xi on Friday on Taiwan, Macron issued a warning against Europe becoming “caught up in crises that are not ours, which prevents it from building its strategic autonomy.”

“The paradox would be that, overcome with panic, we believe we are just America’s followers,” Macron said. “The worse thing would be to think that we Europeans must become followers on this topic and take our cue from the US agenda and a Chinese overreaction.” The remarks sparked unease in Washington, although the White House sought to play them down, with spokesman John Kirby saying the Biden administration remains “comfortable and confident in the terrific bilateral relationship we have with France.”