Palki Sharma Participates in a SOAS Panel Discussion on Indian Foreign Policy

India has taken a cautious stance without sacrificing on its geoeconomic goals and human rights concerns rather than siding with either Russia or the US.

Palki Sharma stressed India’s unique place in the emerging global order at the discussion titled “India in the Emerging Global Order”.

Palki Sharma, the managing editor of Firstpost, was recently a guest of the SOAS University of London students union at a talk on the various facets of Indian foreign policy and the influence of Indian media on it.

Sharma stressed India’s unique place in the emerging global order during the discussion titled “India in the Emerging Global Order”.

India has taken a cautious stance without sacrificing on its geoeconomic goals and human rights concerns rather than siding with either Russia or the US.

India is increasingly enhancing its military and technological prowess in relation to China as it acknowledges the larger problems that go beyond simple border disputes. This includes taking into account the partnership between China and Pakistan and the conflicts between China and the US.

Sharma clarified that Pakistan cannot be viewed in isolation and must be considered as strongly tied to the security goals of both the United States and China in the area in answer to a question about whether India has oversold the threat presented by Pakistan. She also saw a recent increase in India’s interaction with its close neighbours.

After August 5, 2019, Pakistan lost its 30-year proxy war in Jammu and Kashmir and is now frantically attempting to prolong the fight.

It has observed that local sympathy for terrorists has waned and that the younger generation in Jammu and Kashmir is not particularly interested in their message of hatred and violence. Children have rejected using weapons and pelting stones. Drones are now being used by sponsors of terrorism operating out of Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) to drop drugs, weapons, and improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

The security forces discovered 191 drones entering Indian territory illegally in 2022, coming from Pakistan.