Strengthening Bilateral Security: Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane Visits Myanmar

In addition to calling for the liberation of political prisoners, the joint statement emphasized the value of productive conversation and the shift to an inclusive, federal democratic government.

Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane

Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane

Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane visited the adjacent nation of Myanmar in an effort to deepen the already-existing ties between the two nations and improve collaboration in security-related issues.

The June 30-July 1 visit was a significant turning point in the development of bilateral security ties between the two countries and gave India a vital chance to interact with senior Myanmar leadership and raise a number of issues of shared interest.

During his visit, Aramane held meetings with prominent figures in Myanmar’s defence establishment, including Chairman, State Administrative Council Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, Defence Minister Gen (Retd.) Mya Tun Oo, Chief of Defence Industries Lt Gen Khan Myint Than and Commander-in-Chief of Myanmar Navy Admiral Moe Aung.

Addressing Common Challenges

One of the key discussions during the meetings focused on issues concerning the maintenance of tranquillity in the border areas shared by India and Myanmar. Both sides acknowledged the importance of combating illegal trans-border movements and transnational crimes, such as drug trafficking and smuggling, that pose significant challenges to regional security. The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to preventing their territories from being used for activities detrimental to each other’s interests.

Strategic Significance

With an approximately 1,700-kilometer-long border, developments in Myanmar directly impact India’s bordering regions. India recognizes the significance of ensuring peace, stability, and the well-being of the people in Myanmar. The visit by the Defence Secretary underscores India’s commitment to maintaining strong ties and cooperation with its neighboring country to address common security challenges and foster regional stability.

The visit showcased India’s proactive approach in fortifying bilateral security relations. By engaging with key stakeholders in Myanmar’s defence establishment, both countries reemphasized their commitment to tackling shared challenges. This visit not only highlighted the importance of peace and stability in Myanmar but also the mutual desire to foster cooperation and secure the interests of both nations. It sets a strong foundation for future collaboration and underscores the importance of a robust and secure region.

The visit comes close on the heels of Myanmar expressing its concerns over the joint statement issued in Washington DC at the end of talks between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the US President Joe Biden.
Earlier this week, according to reports in Myanmar media, the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its position in response to the joint statement which had mentioned the “deteriorating situation” in Myanmar.

Condemnation and Concern

In addition to calling for the liberation of political prisoners, the joint statement emphasised the value of productive conversation and the shift to an inclusive, federal democratic government. The government seeks worldwide understanding and support for its initiatives to create a democratic and federal union, while simultaneously opposing terrorism in all its forms, according to Myanmar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which criticised the remark.

Creating a Federal and Democratic Union

The government of Myanmar has made a commitment to creating a democratic, federal union clear, according to the ministry of foreign affairs.
(This story has not been edited by Bharat Express staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)