Taiwan’s Defence Zone Breaches By Chinese Warplanes

Taipei’s diplomatic ties with other nations typically coincide with a rise in Chinese military air and naval exercises near Taiwan



On Thursday, the island’s defence ministry said more than 30 Chinese warplanes entered Taiwan’s air defence zone over the course of nearly six hours, making a substantial increase in the number of Chinese military intrusions in a single day.

China has threatened to one-day annex Taiwan, which is self-governing using force if necessary.

Beijing has increased its aerial intrusions into the island’s air defence identification zone in recent years, virtually tripling the number of aviation flights in 2022 compared to the previous year.

Sun Li-fang, a spokesman for Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defence, reported on Thursday that a total of 37 Chinese military Warplanes entered Taiwan’s southwestern ADIZ as of 5 am local time (2100 GMT).

Around 11 am, Sun stated, “Some continued… towards the Western Pacific for long-range reconnaissance training”.

Although Thursday’s wave of incursions was not the most this year, that honor belongs to the 45 sorties on April 9 — it did take place over a far shorter period of time.

The ADIZ of Taiwan is substantially larger than its airspace, and it even extends into parts of the Chinese mainland.

Ministry of National Defense, R.O.C. tweeted, “12 PLA aircraft and 4 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 5 a.m.(UTC+8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond to these activities”, through its official Twitter handle.

 They did not clarify whether the invasions were still underway.

The invasions happened the day after the United States, the Philippines, and Japan finished their first-ever contentious South China Sea, which Beijing claims almost fully.

Taipei’s diplomatic ties with other nations typically coincide with a rise in Chinese military air and naval exercises near Taiwan.

China has reacted with increasing aggression to any joint military drills around the island and visits by Western politicians, and it lashes out at any diplomatic action that seems to recognize Taiwan as a sovereign state.

Following a meeting between Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Taiwan’s leader Tsai Ing-wen in California in April, Beijing staged three days of military drills simulating a blockade of the Island.

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