UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Urges To Reach a Truly Ambitious Trade Agreement With India

According to a U.K. government summary, the tenth round of trade negotiations between India and the U.K. ended on June 9 after 50 sessions covering 10 different policy areas.

Rishi Sunak

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak, the prime minister of the United Kingdom, stated that his country wants to negotiate an ambitious trade agreement that will benefit all parties.

“…We want to strike a truly ambitious trade deal that benefits both our nations, bringing tremendous opportunities to businesses and consumers, both in India and here at home,” he said, as per Downing Street. Mr. Sunak was speaking at a Downing Street reception for ‘U.K.-India Week’, an event organised by advocacy group India Global Forum.PM Modi and his British counterpart Sunak discuss their mutual strategic alliances.
And we ought to be ambitious, just take a look around, said Mr. Sunak. Here we are, he added, “in Downing Street, with a Prime Minister of Indian descent, with all of you at the top of your game, leaders in your areas, showing that everything is possible.

According to a U.K. government summary, the tenth round of trade negotiations between India and the U.K. ended on June 9 after 50 sessions covering 10 different policy areas.

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