Uzbekistan Backs India’s SCO Presidency, Hails INSTC & Chabahar

India, during its Presidency, also pays special attention to promoting partnerships in various fields, building trust and cooperation among the members of the Organization.

India’s Chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is culminating in a summit on July 4. This is of historical significance for both India and the SCO. Because for the first time, India has led this dynamically developing international structure, thereby starting a cycle of the chairmanship with the participation of its new member states within the framework of the SCO, Uzbek Ambassador to India Dilshod Akhatov has told ET.

“For Uzbekistan, this is also significant in that Delhi took over the Chairmanship from Tashkent. During the Presidency of our country last year, more than 80 major international events were successfully held at various levels. Even though this was the first Presidency of the SCO for India, the country has organized over 100 important events covering all facets of cooperation that are on the Organization’s agenda,” according to Akhatov.

India, during its Presidency, also pays special attention to promoting partnerships in various fields, building trust and cooperation among the members of the Organization. International events under the Indian Chairmanship, in their essence and content, covered all key areas of relations between the countries of the region: economy, tourism, education, science, medicine, culture, etc. “I remember well such events as the SCO Film Festival, SCO Cultural Showcase at the Surajkund Mela, the International Fusion Music Festival, conferences of young scientists, specialists in traditional medicine, discussion of start-up projects, and much more. Tashkent supports India’s initiatives put forward during these events.”

“It is also very important for us that the SCO is a key platform for India’s interaction with Central Asia. In the prospects for the development of mutually beneficial cooperation, interconnectedness plays a special role. As you know, connectivity has emerged as a crucial factor in promoting economic integration and fostering regional cooperation. The SCO, comprising eight Member States, recognizes the significance of connectivity in achieving its goals of regional stability, economic development, and people-to-people exchanges. This paper explores the importance of strengthening both regional and inter-regional connectivity within the SCO framework. It examines the current state of connectivity in the region, and identifies challenges, and connectivity. Including infrastructure development, digital connectivity, and policy coordination,” the Uzbek envoy noted.

“I would like to remind you that accepting the responsible mission of Chairmanship in the SCO, Uzbekistan has relied on the strategy of advancing the development of the Organization by opening up new horizons for cooperation and launching usage of untapped reserves that each of its members has. At the platforms of all the events held during the Chairmanship, a comprehensive agenda was formed for the SCO – starting from the issues of further expanding cooperation in security, strengthening transport and economic connectivity, and positioning the Organization in the international arena up to the search for new ways and points for development,” the envoy said, adding, “The completion of our Chairmanship with the Samarkand summit also had a logical explanation. As the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized, historically Samarkand has been a melting pot of ideas and knowledge, that was “cooking” a common goal of living better, being more successful, and becoming happier. And everybody has known that friendly neighbors are half of your wealth, you are a blessing to them, because you know that cooperation, trade, oeuvre, science, art and the best ideas do good, enrich and bring nations together.”

It is noteworthy that the world looked upon from Samarkand has been seen as single and indivisible, rather than fragmented. This is indeed the essence of the unique phenomenon of the «Samarkand spirit», based on which Uzbekistan proposed to serve as the basis for a fundamentally new format of international interaction, including within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Ambassador noted.

Overall, in the 22nd Summit of the Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on September 2022 in Samarkand, the Heads of State approved a lot of various decisions and agreements. The decisions concern the Comprehensive Action Plan for 2023-2027 for implementation of provisions of the Treaty on Long-term Good Neighborliness, Friendship, and Cooperation, to develop Interconnectivity and Greate Efficient Transport Corridors, the envoy recalled.

“I would like to recall that at the last SCO summit in Samarkand, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called on the SCO member countries to provide transit access to each other and spoke in favor of expanding cooperation to ensure the sustainability of supply chains for the region. In this sense, the importance of efforts to use the port of Chabahar in Iran, a country that is also becoming a full member of the Organization, is multiplied,” Akhatov recalled.

As noted by the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in his speech at the “Voice of Global South” Summit in January 2023, Uzbekistan fully supports the development of the “North-South” international corridor, which is one of the leading transport arteries in the Eurasian region and also promoted by India.

“In general, oongoingIndian Presidency of the SCO has shown that the Organization is transforming into cultural-humanitarian and transport-economic cooperation. This approach undoubtedly serves to bring the SCO Member States closer together, to reinforce mutual trust and respect with partner countries, to ease tensions, and build good neighborly relations between countries with which they have clashes of interest. This approach will remain on the foreign policy agenda of the SCO Member States shortly.” the envoy noted.

With inputs from the agency