Vladimir Putin: World At Tipping Point, War Has Been Unleashed Against Russia

Russia launched about 15 cruise missiles at the capital of Ukraine

Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin

On Tuesday, at Moscow’s Red Square Victory Day parade, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the globe was at a tipping point and a war had been declared against Russia.

During the parade, Vladimir Putin said, “Today civilization is again at a decisive turning point”, which included elderly veterans and soldiers from Russia’s Ukraine battle, adding: “A war has been unleashed against our motherland”.

He urged Russia to win: “For Russia, for our armed forces, for victory! Hurrah!”

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Prior, Russia launched about 15 cruise missiles at the capital of Ukraine, the second attack in as many days.

“Its air defence systems shot all of them down after air raid alerts blared over most of the country”, claims Ukraine.

Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission President reaches Kyiv to talk with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Kim Jong Un, the North Korean leader says Russia will prevail in its fight against what he describes as imperialists.

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