Man Creates AI Clock That Generates New Poem Every Minute Using ChatGPT

Mr. Webb explained that the prompt instructs the AI to respond with two rhyming lines and encourages it to be imaginative and profound

AI Clock

AI Clock

Users all across the world have been finding out what experiments they may do with the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot ChatGPT since its introduction. Now, a man has constructed an AI clock that tells time by writing little poetry using ChatGPT.

Matt Webb, a designer and blogger, created a rhyming clock that uses ChatGPT to generate a brief two-line rhyme that also tells the time for each minute of the day.

Matt Webb tweeted, “I made an AI clock for my bookshelves! It composes a new poem every minute using ChatGPT and mysteriously has this enthusiastic vibe which I am totally into”, through his official Twitter handle.

“Hand on heart I did not include this kind of motivational positivity in the prompt! I did describe the room from its pov, so it sometimes refers to books or the rug, or its own self as a small e-ink screen. Tbh I can’t look away. I need to get lunch but it’s compelling & magical”, he added in another tweet.

Mr. Webb told that the clock is powered by an old Inky wHAT screen and a Raspberry Pi that he previously set up as a regular text clock.

According to the report, he’d been experimenting with OpenAI’s (the creator of ChatGPT) language models for a while and came up with the idea of linking the two.

“There is only one prompt for ChatGPT, and the clock makes use of OpenAI’s API. The time is a prompt parameter”, said Mr. Webb.

Mr. Webb explained that the prompt instructs the AI to respond with two rhyming lines and encourages it to be imaginative and profound.

Meanwhile, the tweet has gone viral, with many users saying they’d “buy the clock in a heartbeat”.

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