

Bharat Express News Network

Jitendra Singh said that the US looks at India as an equal collaborator and it was evident from the fact that one of the agreements between the USA would be soliciting Indian astronauts to accompany them to the International Space Station.

S Somnath, head of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), says, “Essentially, Chandrayaan-3 is similar to Chandrayaan-2, with the same scientific architecture and mission objective.”

The findings from the mission, which spent a significant amount of time enabling scientists to research the moon's geology, terrain, and possible resources, could play a crucial role in guiding future lunar missions, including manned trips and the creation of lunar habitats.

Chandrayaan-3 is equipped with a lander, a rover and a propulsion module. It weighs around 3,900 kilograms.

PM Modi will take part in India-France CEO Forum. Thereafter, at around midnight IST, PM Modi will visit Louvre Museum where he will also attend a Banquet dinner.

ISRO launched Chandrayaan-3 on board the heavylift LVM3-M4 rocket, the largest and heaviest in its class and dubbed 'Fat Boy', from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh...

The Isro logo and the national anthem are engraved on the rear wheel of the 27 kg, six-wheeled Pragyan rover...

After such a quantum rise in our Space expertise under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's regime, "India can no longer wait to be left behind in its march to the Moon," the minister said.

On the launch of Chandrayaan-3, Somanath said, "On July 14 at 2.35 pm, Chandrayaan-3 will lift off and if everything goes well, it will land (on the moon) on August 23...