A Chance For India And The USA To Establish A Strategic Alliance In Digital Defence During Modi’s Visit To The US

India and the United States, with their advanced technological capabilities and shared democratic values, are uniquely positioned to collaborate in fortifying the security and integrity of their digital landscapes.

India US

India US Relations

The world is closely watching the potential for a deeper strategic alliance between these two democratic powerhouses as Prime Minister Narendra Modi prepares for his upcoming trip to the United States on June 22. A crucial area of attention among the many discussion topics is digital defence.

Strong Digital Defence systems are more important than ever in a world where cyber dangers are developing at an unprecedented rate.With their cutting-edge technological capabilities and shared democratic principles, India and the United States are in a unique position to work together to strengthen the security and integrity of their respective digital landscapes. This upcoming gathering offers a perfect opportunity to reaffirm their dedication to creating a safe digital future and establish a worldwide standard for cooperation in digital defence.

Cybersecurity is the cornerstone of our collaboration. Both countries may work together to create cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions to safeguard their digital infrastructure. This can entail cooperative research and development projects, the sharing of best practises, and reciprocal support in the case of cyberthreats. The recent cyberattacks on vital US infrastructure and the rising number of data breaches in India highlight how urgent this cooperation is.