US media admiring Modi calling it a public admonishing

Modi's sentence being praised by US media

A sentence by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his conversation with Russian Presiden Vladimir Putin has now become talk of the media town.

Modi told Russian President Vladimir Putin on the side-lines of the SCO summit 2022 that this is not the time for war in Ukraine. This does not appear to be any kind of rebuke or chiding, however, the western media exploited the opportunity in their favour.

Being well aware of India’s stand in the Russia-Ukraine war, American media is calling it ‘A stunning public rebuke’ by Modi to Putin which is too ridiculous and can be termed as selfish journalism.

India has always been a champion of peace locally and globally still the US media using PM Modi’s comments to Putin on Ukraine war with a maligned intention to spoil Indo-Russia relationship.

A normal Modi sentence supporting global peace has been widely carried out by the American media showing it as a Modi attack on Putin.